Many have asked…

Many of you have asked me how I managed to recover and persevere through a motorcycle accident that left me with 15 broken bones, a 30-day hospital stay, and 3 months in a wheelchair with no source of income for 4.5 months. Physical therapists and nurse practitioners said it would take me at least 8 months to recover, and one medical doctor even said I may never recover. However, I did recover, much earlier than expected at three months.

I later discovered what my son and I call “The Three Pillars” – the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. These pillars, or body, mind, and soul, helped me recover quickly while staying true to my personal mission statement of pouring as much love and wisdom into my children as possible and making a positive impact in the lives of others. With hard physical work and therapy, a positive and determined mindset, and faith, I leveraged The Three Pillars to achieve my goals.

I did not allow fear and doubt to rob me of my passions and joys in life, as I refused to stop riding motorcycles after the accident. In fact, I purchased the Harley Davidson I had my eye on since this model variation was released.

Remember, never underestimate the potential and power you have inside you to overcome, accomplish, or create amazing things. Always say “I will try,” and when you do, give it your very best, even if you have to leverage all of The Three Pillars, and prove the “naysayers” wrong.

If you’re looking for a program to develop into a habit that will make a positive impact while delivering a positive outcome, ping me.

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Be More In 2024 with 1,2,3,4

So this is my theme and hashtag for my New Year’s Resolution: “Be More In 2024″ #bemorein2024 so as in 1,2,3,4:

1.) Be more present, (anc in the moment), to those whom I love and adore, and manage my time appropriately for that attentive and engaging time.

2.) Be more diligent and mindful in the gym, with what I eat, how much I eat and when I eat. (I am at a weight plateau from my #GetFitStayFit goal & 2020 New Year Resolution and I need to lose 20 more pounds)

3.) Be more proactive in my time management for school to stay ahead of my courses and not get behind.

4.) Be more of an image of Christ revealing more Fruits of The Spirit, exercising my Spiritual Gifts, speaking to others of what I believe and why, and asking others about their story.

So with goals we must put it into a plan, work that plan, measure the results, and see how we did by year end.

What is your 2024 New Year’s Resolution/Goal?



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Read Me!

My plan is to retire comfortably. Of course life can surely deter those plans. Now with me, I do not need, or in this period of my life desire a big home, or fancy things. I ranch, near water, with a few fun toys for my loved ones and I are what I hope for. How do I get there now in such a short period of time. Get out of debt, stay out of debt, save emergency cash, invest in gold & silver, take good care of my physical, mental, spiritual health, and aggressively max out good investment vehicles. For you younger folks from age 18 up, listen well, and plan well. Start now! Below is a post and an article I wrote from a source of experience, knowledge and wisdom.

Friends, & family, I am going to share something with you & I want you to pay attention & re-read this a few times if you can. I am going to first say, cash is king. That was also something Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase Bank said just before the real estate bubble, & banking crisis in which later JP Morgan also had to help bail out a few very large banks & financial institutions during the banking crisis.

The appreciation ratio of homes is substantial, yet the inventory of homes is minimal. It is a tough present period for real estate agents. My home has more than doubled in value since I purchased it 5 years ago. In which also makes my property taxes increase. Mortgage Rates back then were around 3%, Interest rates are on the rise, and are now triple that amount. Average interest rates on credit cards are over 20% & the marketing on them is immense promising all these “perks”, and “cash back” incentives. Please always read the fine print and how and when credit cards can immediately raise your rates too. Right now you are lucky if you can find a savings account interest rate about 3%. That doesn’t even make inflation. In other words, you are losing money, or at the very least breaking even on that basic type of savings. You would be better off dumping large amounts of cash in a very limited period high yielding CD or a high yielding Money Market. However, I recommend speaking to your Certified Financial Advisor on this and right away.

The cost of most goods have been on the rise. The average earnings is much less than 5, 10, to 20 years. For example, if you made around $50k in the late 90s, to make that same amount of money would be around $100k. So let’s say you get a new job, and your are thinking like you did in the late 90s that $50k is a fair income. Well, that would be wrong as it would be the equivalent of $25k. Another way to look at it is that you would need to make $100k to make the same $50k you were making in the late 90s. In addition, in relation, gas, and food is much higher than that period. A grocery bill for say a family of 3 is over $700 a month, average rent is $1200 for a 2 bedroom.
Are you following me yet? Am I making sense? You can also find all this information online with some good research through credible and reliable sources.

Now I am not trying to say the sky is falling, like Chicken Little, what I am saying is what I want to re-iterate in my opening of this post, cash is king. Get out of debt as quickly as possible, and start with any credit card debt. Stop using those credit cards unless for an urgent need to make sure you pay if off in 30 days. Pay off any vehicles next, and hopefully they still have fair value. Next is that home. Make additional payments to the principle, make double payments if you can, but work on getting that home paid off. If you have a 401(k), they are not as safe as you may think. However, if your company matches dollar for dollar for a certain amount, that is like free money. Unfortunately, 401(k) are typically all that corporations offer anymore in the form of a pension/retirement plan. If you are older, max it out. Invest in some gold and silver and lock it up in a very safe place. Have emergency cash on hand, and always have at least 6 months worth of earnings in a savings account or stable high earnings fund account that you can easily take out for cash. You never know if you may lose your present job, suffer an injury or illness and not be able to work for 6 months or more. Currently the unemployment rate is hovering around 4% since about Dec. 2021, and a spike to near 15% during the onset & duration of C19. Yet many employers aren’t able to seem to find reliable, committed, and stable employees.

Start watching financial trends, stock and bond trends, tune into Bloomberg TV Cast from time to time. Study and see where money is coming in and going out. It can be a good hobby to have.

In addition take a look at the social economical, and political environment of our present time. Review the level of division in our country in a plethora of areas. I have never in my lifetime seen so much division and confusion on these levels and scales.

Health is also wealth. Learn to cope and manage stress in a healthy manner. Exercise, eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and drink plenty of water.

I am highly recommending that you start doing all of this right now.

Why am I recommending this you may ask, and how do I know all of this, you may ask? Well, other than being a banker for several years, I am a tech geek, I am one that also likes research, and I am kind of good at watching and realizing financial numbers and trends. I have also been on this earth a few decades which included buying and selling several homes, living through some serious dips in markets, experiencing both inflation and recession, and being both a loan office and a VP of Business Banking for one of the largest banks in the world during the real estate bubble, and banking crisis.
Cash is king.
Be like water

Now read what I just wrote one more time, and if you are having trouble comprehending, understanding, or reading between the lines on what I am seeking to share, advise, and recommend, then simply ping me.

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Cave Time Top 5

It is Sunday evening and I invested this weekend in a lot of rest, reflection, but didn’t miss the gym Friday & Saturday. I did some riding on my motorcycle, school work, reading, good sleep, writing, caught a bit of football on TV, striking up brief casual conversations with strangers at a restaurant to share a laugh or smile. I call this “cave time”. There has been a lot of my mind, and there is a lot on the minds of my loved ones. I can only assume you too have had times with a lot on your minds. I found I needed this as I have been distracted by the noise, experiences of uncertainty, hurts of the past that effect the attention and appreciation of the moment, worry, and frankly the arrogant ignorance of others, which has at times rubbed off on me. God doesn’t want us to be or feel like this. The bible clearly expresses this often.

So if we are to be critical thinkers from a biblical worldview, how should we approach these times, experiences, or feelings? I would say one way is to take an assessment of what we are seeing, hearing, and doing. Paul does says in Philippians 4:8; “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” and in 2 Timothy 1:7 “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Here are my top 5 things I am going to make an effort to do, or get back to.

1.) Know that I cannot change the past. I need to focus on the present and the hopes of the future and what I can control which is what I think, say, and do.

2.) Strive to forgive others better or more, as if God can forgive me, I should be able to forgive others. This is not always easy for any mere human being, but it is biblical. Besides, un-forgiveness, causes bitterness in which both are a prison and the roots of bitterness should not be watered.

3.) Put away, turn off, or at least turn on silent my smartphone more often, especially in the presence of others. There is no need to have a smartphone on the table at dinner time, or while conversing with or enjoying quality time with your loved ones. Time is priceless, life is short, true friends and family are precious and to be cherished.

4.) Get back to a daily time in the word, in prayer, listening to Christian inspirational music, and exercise (not just 4 to 6 days a week of exercise but some sort of exercise 7 days a week such as hiking, walking, bicycling in addition to progressive overload weight lifting 4 to 6 days a week).

5.) Truly take a moment or more to think and realize what would Jesus have I to do, what would He do. Utilize, and apply discernment. If something angers, frustrates me, conflicts with my spirit, I should pause, think clearly, and if necessary remove myself from the experience or circumstance in a proactive and healthy manner. James 1:19-21 says, “Know this, my dear brothers and sisters: let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger for human anger doesn’t produce the righteousness of God. So put away all moral filth and excess of evil and receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.”

What are your top 3 to 5 things? Please share. I believe when we are open in this manner, and share healthy activities and behaviors it helps others. It is also a more positive way to utilize mediums such as this and social media.

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Sunday Evening Reflections, October 1st, 2023


I have had some people reach out to me about certain concerns, which some may be, or are conspiracy theories and fallacies. Some very far fetched to some not so far fetched. Most whom know me, know that I like finding, and verifying the truth. However even with my passion for research, and verifying the truth I have also been wrong. Therefore I have been even more cautious, starting about 3 years ago, before I either jump to conclusions, or make my educated and/or researched assessment(s).

Those whom know me also know that I take a more conservative political approach and do not claim to be republican nor democrat. Besides what good is it for each party to blame the other, neither taking responsibility which drives division. A stance should be on the facts, real issues, real problems and applying critical thinking to implement logical solutions that will work for the people, by the people. I personally strive to take a biblical worldview. I support and vote for what and whom I feel, or can verify as best I can, what and whom is good for the republic for which is stands, under God, for the freedoms in which we are privileged and enjoy, my family, and faith in the One God of the bible.

There is a lot of noise out there. We are drowning in information while starving for truth, knowledge, and wisdom. Keep in mind the adversary is a master manipulator, deceiver, and keen war strategist. Remember the adversary organized and waged a war against God. In the bible the adversary has been called “the prince of the air”. Critical thinkers have also said whom controls the airways can control the world. And those airways grew from couriers with a printing press over 200 years ago. Now we have news and information at the speed of light on devices that seem to never leave our sides. On average, people spend 2.5 hours on social media a day.* And that is just the average. Nearly 50% of Americans spend 5 to 6 hours a day on their smartphones.** Have you ever turned on screen time on your devices? Have you personally monitored how much time you are watching televised or streamed programs?

Although I have been in Hi-Tech/Telecom Consulting & Sales most of my adult career, and appreciate it greatly. I also recommend it’s use sparingly in our free time. Do we really need to have our smartphones right by our sides 24/7? Is there going to be such a critical call, or information that we require that we couldn’t put it away or turn it off for a few hours? Certainly we do not need to sleep with it by our sides, or have it on the dinning room tables while enjoying engaging time with family and friends. I know I am going to try to be better about this, especially after turning on Screen Time.

Technology is great for research, and finding the truth. However, it can be rather difficult with all the noise and fallacies among that information and noise. I recommend if something surprises you, and it sounds a bit unreal, or illogical, or shocking, please first consider the source, then verify and validate the information. Check the most credible and reliable sources. Then take a few moments to apply your own logical, rational thought, and critical thinking. In addition, as psychologists and biologists know this well, we cannot always even believe what we may see, or hear because all of our senses are different and we often look at the world from varying lenses, experiences, whether it is a secular worldview and biblical worldview.

There are also things we can control, and things we cannot control. We cannot control what other people may do, think, or say, but we can control what we may do, think, say, and how we may influence others. Let’s strive to influence others for the good, for what is sound, right, just, and moral. In all of this, God is always in control, and as believers we should trust in Him, and seek His wisdom, and for His Kingdom. God asks us not to be full of fear but we of a sound mind. God asks us to be strong and courageous. God asks us to be wise, to forgive, and to love. God says if we lack wisdom, then we should ask Him, and He will give it abundantly.

In the end, we know who wins, and will always be on the King of Kings. We just need to seek, apply wisdom, and take a righteous stand for truth, even if it is a minority position.

For those who have been, and continue to send me information that concerns them, whether “conspiracy theories” or not. Please keep sending them to me, I am honored you reach out to me, and I hope I can share information that is credible, that may prove it wrong, or possibly right, or somewhat right, and what we should or could do about it, or what we shouldn’t do about it. The truth is out there. However, in all of it, we should seek and find peace in His truth and promises.

* and
** Statistica
The Bible (particular & pertaining verses available by request)

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We live in a broken world with broken people…

It is unfortunate that we live in a broken world with broken people. Human beings are capable of such horrific things to one another beyond my ability to even comprehend. Although we must not forget the past, and learn from it, we are also not to hold onto the past. It is in the rear view window for a reason, as we are to move forward, to look ahead. I realize this is easier said than done for some, if not many. I do not know of a person that has not been hurt by another. Some hurts are unfathomable. I get it. However, I also know that unforgiveness and hate is a prison for oneself. Forgiving is more for you than it is the one whom hurt you. I am not saying to forget, nor to allow someone to keep hurting you or hurt you again. Life is too short, and the world too large, to be around or connected with toxic personalities. I believe we must see it as a learning experience, a temporary dip or valley that we must celebrate that we escaped from. We must love ourselves, forgive others, not hold onto the past, to be free to fully love others, and the people God meant for us.

Something I would like to add is that most of the people of the past that did willfully hurt me, later incurred some deep valleys, and negative circumstances. Some were substantial. For some their sins, deception, manipulations, and lies were identified, or revealed as typically the truth eventually comes out. Not that I, or that we should wish something bad on others; It is just a way sin is often handled, and often what goes around comes around. Remember the Bible is truth, God’s Word always remains and endures, and He keeps His promises. There are many bible verses related to this such as “God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, he shall also reap”, …




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Are you easily offended?

People have said we now live in an overly easily offended society in America. My theory is that seems to be good hypothesis over the last few years. Let me ask you a question, do you believe or feel that you may be easily offended? If so, how do you handle or manage it? If not, why? Am I easily offended? I do not believe or feel that I am easily offended. Maybe it is how I was raised, where I grew up, and my experience with age. I tend to brush nonsense off, and I am aware that I am in control of what I think, say, and do. If it is not life threatening to me or my loved ones, if it may not hinder or destroy my present and future for myself or family, I simply ignore it and most often it is simply unncessary drama.

However, I prefer not to be continually disrespected. As mature human beings we should know to extend respect and be able to agree to disagree with grace and humility. This certainly does not give someone permission to continually disrespect you. If you allow this to occur on an ongoing basis, or it keeps re-occurring, then you are enabling the person to behave in that disrespectful manner. You are more important and valuable than to tolerate that, and worthy of respect. I believe the best way to handle repetitive disrespect in a civil and mature way is to first address it early and express it with whomever is disrespecting you. If they continue, let them know their behavior is unacceptable to you, and if it continues, simply remove them from your space and circles. Life is too short to be disrespected, or surround yourself with toxic personalities and apparent character flaws. There are also too many other wonderful people, and people you love to invest your priceless time. There is only so much time in our days, and only so many years to our lives. Invest wisely.

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There is no perfect church, however…

No church is perfect, as no human being is perfect. The church is full of flawed and imperfect people. However, there is something I tended to adore about small baptist churches is that most knew each other well, checked on one another often, and if someone wasn’t in church for a long duration of time, a leader of the church or other church member would call to check up on them, or even visit them to check in on them. If a person or family had a need, the congregation rallied to help with that need. If a prayer request was made, it was certainly prayed over. If someone was in the hospital the pastor and/or members of the church would visit and encourage. Birthdays and anniversaries were even celebrated. No church member went hungry, no church member was made to feel as if they were not important or didn’t matter… And the list goes on…

However, I do not attend a baptist church, and have not since about 1997. I have attended a lot of other denominational churches, and typically have found my home in a non-denominational church for several reasons I can elaborate by request.

Non-denominational churches have a lot of what I prefer, but the larger ones also have a lot I do not prefer. In my experience large churches lose people. They lose them in the ability to connect on a deeper scale because of size, and other large church mishaps or due to massive size. However, I have also found this to be true in some if not many non-denomination churches of all sizes. Sometimes the leadership seems to get caught up in trying to please the masses, without offending others. Trust me, I have seen it time and time again and I have been going to church since I was a child, and have led many ministries of all sorts since I have been an adult. Something non-denomination churches sometimes forget or do not remember, is “what you do to the least of mine, you do unto me.” I am not saying it is always intentional, but size and numbers does not equate to the complete and deeper realization of the Gospel and what Jesus did, and expects, or even commands us to do.

When a church starts focusing too much on not to offend people, or what is callled “tickling ears” verses teaching and preaching the truth, that becomes a problem. Remember, many disciples, apostles offended others. Jesus offended many others in which also was a driver that led him to be crucified.

I have not found a perfect church, and no one will. However, when a church continues to be flawed, others identify the flaws (including you) while nothing is done or changes, and does not align with the bible many times over, that sparks a concern in me to where I will either travel a greater distance to find a home church, or not attend church in a physical building at all. This is not what “Christians” call “church hopping” it is called following The Spirit, knowledge, experiences of the past, and wisdom. I have many resources to have church at home, in a non church building or on the side of the street while inviting others to join me so that we may grow, learn, worship, serve, and repent together.

Finding a good church is also nothing to take lightly. Although there is no perfect church as there are no perfect human beings, you do want to find a church that closely aligns with your beliefs, is biblical sound, and has additional ministries or groups to meet you and your families needs spiritually. It can be a bad decision to start attending a church for a while, then getting involved in some of the ministries to find out later that their core beliefs or what is sometimes called “Covenants” do not align with your core beliefs and what you strongly desire to be taught to you, your spouse and your children, or worse yet, not biblical sound nor biblically aligned. When finding a new church or moving into a new are and seeking out a new home church, take your time, visit several churches, research online to their core beliefs and covenants, see how they are connected with the community, interview the pastor(s), other leaders, deacons, elders, and other people in the congregation.

I am not exactly sure what has sparked me to post this long post, however I know there are a few logical reasons, and I am going to share this article below I wrote some time ago that I wish to share with you.

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I have heard so many people say…

I have heard so many people say that they simply do not have the time or money to exercise, eat healthy, loose weight or gain muscle/strength. I am telling you from experience and wisdom that is simply a farce! A human will find time to invest in something that they truly value. The question is does a person value their own physical, mental, and spiritual health, and love the people that love them enough to make a change, and commit to an activity that will make them feel better, live better, and have a much longer life which is supported by statistical facts?

If I provided a tool, or advice that works that could extend your life, and help make you happy or at least very content with your life, how much would you pay for it? What in this life is truly priceless? Time is priceless, and health is wealth.

You can find that one hour a day. I am confident of it. How much time are you on social media scrolling through? How much time are you in front of the TV? How much time are you spending on useless activities that do not produce a positive outcome or result.

If you do not like the state of your life, your weight, your lack of energy, or stamina, you lack of interest in this new gift of each new day, then change it! You have the power to change it. You are in control of what you think, say, do, and how you influence others.

Please do not tell me you are an obese person, have always been an obese person, and always will be. Or that you have a genetic tendency to be obese. I was very thin most of my life until my metabolism began to change with age. Later I became obese due to stress, lack of exercise, and poor diet. I changed that many years by research, studies, and application of those studies. I lost 45 pounds and kept it off, I lowered my resting heart rate by over 20 pts, I am down over 4 waist sizes, I rest better, and feel much younger – nearly as young as I was in my 20s. There have been countless people whom come from obese parents that are not obese, or lost and maintained there weight as not to be obese by developing and adhering to more healthy habits.

Please do not tell me you have a handicap, injuries or prosthesis that prevent you from maintaining a healthy life style, I could write paragraphs after paragraphs of people whom do have handicaps, injuries, and prosthesis that are very healthy and live a health life style. Personally I have more sports injuries than I care to count, do not come from the most healthy gene pools, and broke 15 bones back towards the end of 2016. Yet, I am in the gym 4-6 days a week, and still train in karate, all at my age.

Please do not tell me you do not have time or the money it takes to eat healthy. Granted many whole and healthy foods are more expensive than fast and processed foods. However, simply budget the whole and healthy foods in, shop once a week for fresh fish, fowl, vegetables, and fruits and eat them fresh, grilled, and without batter or animal fats. Substitute the sugar drinks such as soda, with naturally flavored drinks and stay mostly hydrated with water. Meal prep your weeks, instead of eating fast and processed foods.

One hour a day is all it takes for a good exercise program of resistance training and cardio exercises. Leverage 4 to 6 days a week on it, and mix two of those days for cardio. Gym memberships are not out of the reach for most any American. There are memberships as low as $10 a month.

Do you truly value your health? Then you will find time for what you value.

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I’ll Find You…

This song was released in 2017. Shortly after one of the darkest times in my life after I was struck on my motorcycle by a car driven by a negligent driver. It wasn’t the darkest just because of the near death experience, 15 broken bones, long stay in the hospitals, loss of source of income for nearly 5 months, there were attacks in and on all areas of my life. I called it “The Perfect Storm.”

Since then this song has made me to think deeper, wider, and higher during challenges not just in my life, but in the lives of others that I have met, counseled, advised, coached, or taught. Less than two years later C19 hit, our nation seemed divided, and to me things just didn’t make sense. So I began playing, and sharing this song with others again. Remember, with God, we are never alone. With true non fair weather Christian friends, life can also be easier as we were not designed to be alone. We were designed for relationships, first and foremost with God, and with others.

Life can be tough, very tough, unfair, and simply not make sense. Losing loved ones of all ages, seeing illness, trauma, injury and death takes a toll on the human mind, body, and soul. I get it, I have seen it, I have experienced it, but just hold on, and make it through each day, and make the most of the priceless time. Live in the day, in each moment, be present. Do not take life for granted. Do not take your health for granted. Improve yourself, and your health each day because not only are you worth it, so are your loved ones. There are many things we cannot control. We should learn from the past, not live in it, and look forward. We are in control of what we think, say, do and how we may influence others.

If you are going through a tough chapter in life, remember to keep the faith, and keep turning the pages. If you feel like you are battling what you are experiencing or going through all alone, know to reach out to God, and others whom truly love you. Just hold on, you are not alone. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Tough times do not last, this too shall come to pass.

Just before my accident on 9/11/2016, I was all set for a long Missions Trip to Nicaragua and to see my sponsored child at the time. In addition, I just finished a series that I led with a group of men from my church called, “Brave”, and I was all set and signed up for college courses for my degree in Psychology-Counseling. The accident wiped all of that out, nearly all of my finances, much of my ministry, much of my physical health, and I had to fight to be in my children’s lives. However, this too passed and I am in great health, physically fit, and went back to college working on finishing that degree in Psychology. I never made it to Nicaragua, but God is not done with me yet. Besides, there is a mission field right in front of me every day, and even online.

Yes, that was a very tough chapter for me. I have had many tough chapters. However, with faith, true friends, and family I just kept turning the pages, proving doctors, and other nay sayers wrong. You can too.

Just fight a little longer my friend
It’s all worth it in the end
But when you got nobody to turn to
Just hold on and I’ll find you
I’ll find you

I dedicate this post to my precious children (aka TayBug, BAM, BooBear), my Queen (aka Bibbers), my true friends, my family, and my Lord and Savior in Jesus Christ. Thank you for allowing me to find you, and you finding me.

Blessings, and Shalom.

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